From the dramatic climate differences in each region in Africa, to the thousands of tribes. Africa is truly a unique place. all these cultures are what makes Africa the great nation it is today. this blog has been interesting for me to write I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. it has been a very long journey from the very first tribes that existed from the very beginning of evolution.
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Africa has been through many struggles a lot of civil wars and colonization. but all these things are what molds Africa into what is. I mean if we look at where Africa is situated we can see that the different climatic zones are not there at random. They are there to help the country sustain itself I mean the luscious forest provides vegetation and shelter for animals and resources for improving infrastructure.
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The purpose of me writing this blog was to show you readers that geography is interlinked with almost everything. Not only with the country Africa but for everything in the world geography tell us why and how things are the way they are. Whether it be human geography or physical geography. The geography is the study of the world and how certain things effect it.
I really hope you enjoyed reading throughout the whole journey.
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